In the year 2046, Earth has suddenly become the target of deranged aliens. Following the invasion, the World Alliance Military builds a new cutting-edge weapon...
Sky Troops 2046
In the year 2046, Earth has suddenly become the target of deranged aliens. Following the invasion, the World Alliance Military builds a new cutting-edge weapon, the Supersonic Attack Fighter. Based on a captured alien craft, it is humanity's only hope for survival. How to play: Slide left or right to fly your Attack Fighter across the game levels and destroy anything that moves or shoots back. Grab Power-ups to increase your firepower. Also you will be rewarded in game currency coins by rescuing people, shooting down enemy and collect energy stuff. You could spend in game currency to unlock new stages or upgrade your Fighter craft and refill specified weapon At the start, your ship is armed with a single shot vulcan, 3 bombs and 3 load of laser shield energy. Enemies fall into three categories: land based, air based, and boss. ★ Feature ★ - Three game stage and lots of challenging scenes. - wonderful graphics and awesome music - Seven fighter aircraft and lots of Power-ups: Laser shield, super bomber, super laser, space monkey, energy box ... - Classic gameplay and more... Go!Sky troops!
Sky Troops 2046游戲截圖
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